
Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Free E-Book: Newpages Guide to Literary Magazines

Magazine Description

The NewPages Guide to Literary Magazines is a directory of great print and online literary magazines with sponsored listings at  It contains detailed subscription and submission information for each magazine. The PDF is also fully interactive.

During the checkout process, you will have to provide your billing address; however, no payment information will be required. After providing billing information, you will be emailed a link to your free download.

Get your free E-Magazine. HERE. 

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Silver Boomer Books: Anthology Call for Submissions!

Silver Boomer Books is the publisher of several anthologies on topics such as aging, roads not taken, mentors, and childhood memories.  They are currently seeking submissions for their newest anthology entitled Longest Hours -- Thoughts While Waiting (working title):

"In this culture of instant gratification, we can hardly stand waiting. We have to have our iPads or iPhones so we can surf the internet or play games while we wait.

We wait for babies to be born and for classes to begin or end. We wait for test results – medical  tests, English tests, eye exams, employment tests, personality tests, assessment tests of all kinds. We wait to be served in restaurants. We wait for people important to us to make decisions or get jobs or get well or get pregnant or get up and do something.

We wait in line – oh, do we ever wait in line. Someone once wrote that by the time people are 70 years old, they have waited in line a total of about five years. Can that be true?

All waiting is hard. What kind is hardest? Stories and poems might share emotions and experiences during long, excruciating waits. Sometimes waiting involves deep heartache and pain, anticipation of great joy, worry and anxiety, fear of danger, with dread or hope or happiness hinging on outcomes.
Waiting is very often a big part of suffering. Maybe through it we can gain the strength to transcend suffering and pain – not just to survive. Understanding how other people deal with waiting can help and strengthen us. Send us your stories or poems."

Deadline: April 15, 2013
Click here for submission guidelines.

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Internship Opportunity (unpaid)

The Review Review is looking for interns!
from their website:
Interns Needed!
Looking for a career in the fast-paced industry of literary magazines? Come intern with us!
We need interns to handle all sorts of fun projects.

* A wealth of knowledge pertaining to the lit mag world
* Literary contacts that will help you on your creative journeys
* Insight into how to maintain and sustain an online literary magazine
* Experience with marketing and networking
* References, letters of recommendation, writing advice, career counseling, undying gratitude

* In college, in an MFA program, not in college, not in an MFA program
* Young, old, somewhere in between
* Responsible, reliable, diligent, self-motivated, resourceful, courteous
* Eager to get involved in literary stuff

* Email telling us: 1) your background, 2) your interests, 3) why you want this position.
* Three references, along with the references' relationship to you (teacher, colleague, etc.) and references' contact information

Contact Becky at

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Crab Orchard Review Student Writing Awards ($500 Prize)

from the website:

COR Student Writing Awards in Fiction, Nonfiction, and Poetry

$500 prize in each category 

The Charles Johnson Fiction Award

The Rafael Torch Literary Nonfiction Award

The Allison Joseph Poetry Award

One winner will be chosen in each category (fiction, literary nonfiction, and poetry). The three category winners will each receive an award payment of $500 and be published in the 2014 Winter/Spring issue of Crab Orchard Review.

Guidelines: The award competition is open to all undergraduate and graduate students who are U.S. citizens or permanent residents currently enrolled (at the time of the submission period) full- or part-time in a U.S. college or university. Beginning in 2013, there will be a small processing fee ($3.00) to pay for the cost of the online submission system. Entrants may only submit one story, one nonfiction piece, or one poem. Do not submit work in more than one genre. All entries will be screened by published and accomplished writers and editors. Entries must be previously unpublished, original work written in English by a U. S. citizen or permanent resident. Simultaneous submissions are considered, but an entry is ineligible to win if accepted for publication elsewhere. Name, address, telephone number, email address, and the name of your current college or university should appear only on a cover letter in the submission process which should not be part of the entry file. Please include the title of the work and the genre of the entry—either “Poetry,” “Fiction,” or “Literary Nonfiction”—on that cover letter. The author’s name should not appear on any page in the submission itself. All entries must be submitted online between February 18, 2013 and March 18, 2013 (online entries will be accepted until 11:59:59 PM (Central Time) on March 18, 2013). All entrants will be notified of results by email.

Page Restrictions: Prose entry length: up to 4000 words for fiction or for literary nonfiction. Poetry entry length: one poem only, up to 3 pages in length. Entrants may only submit one story, one nonfiction piece, or one poem. Do not submit work in more than one genre.

Entry Fee: Beginning in 2013, there will be a small processing fee ($3.00) to pay for the cost of the online submission system. All entries must be made through our Submittable system.

Monday, March 11, 2013

Poetic Closure

X. J. Kennedy provides a simple criterion for testing closure: “A long poem--how well is it put together?  Easy to tell.  A simple test: Do you need to turn the page to know you’ve come to its end?” On the other hand, some poets don’t want their poems to click shut, preferring a less definite sense of closure.
( Barbara Daniels)

Click Here for further reading on the different strategies for closure....

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Monday, March 4, 2013

Literary Magazines focused on Undergraduate Writers

Adroit Journal
A  literary magazine run entirely by high school and college students. Adroint publishes poetry, fiction, flash fiction, art/photography, and cross-genre works with separate submissions for "adults" and those "under the age of 21."

Allegheny Review
Only accepts submissions from currently enrolled undergraduates (which could include dual-enrolled high school students). This will link to their temporary web site - their way-cool site crashed. Stay tuned for updates.

The Blue Route
An online magazine of undergraduate fiction and poetry, published biannually by Windener University.

Catfish Creek
Poetry, fiction, and creative nonfiction journal from Loras College. Any student currently registered in an undergraduate program is eligible to submit writing.

First Inkling
A publication of writing from students in accredited colleges or universities at the community college, undergrad, graduate, or post doctorate level around the world.

Literary Laundry
An online publication of poetry, prose, and drama. Each issue the editors select works written by undergraduates for outstanding award as well as cash prizes.

North Central ReviewThe North Central Review is one of only a handful of literary journals publishing exclusively the writings and works of undergraduate students. The North Central Review considers all genres, including short fiction, poetry, drama, creative nonfiction, and mixed genre pieces. Submission deadlines Oct 15 and Feb 15.

The Oval
The Oval is an undergraduate-run, non-profit annual literary journal at the University of Montana. They accept previously unpublished poetry, prose, and visual art by currently enrolled undergraduates nationwide.

A regional journal, focused only on Georgia writers who are of high school age or who are freshman or sophomores in Georgia colleges.

The undergraduate journal of arts and literature of Ohio Northern University is now accepts submissions for poetry, fiction, visual art, and nonfiction only from undergraduate students worldwide.

Prairie Margins
Prairie Margins is an undergraduate publication at Bowling Green State University. Our reading dates are between September and December. Accepts submissions of unpublished poetry, fiction, and creative nonfiction.

A River & Sound Review
If you are between the ages 14 and 21 and enjoy writing, please submit your poems, stories, or essays to be considered for reading at an upcoming live production. "Writers may submit up to three poems, or an essay or story up to 1,000 words in length. Selection of the work will be based on the literary merit of the submission and its appropriateness for our program. Due to our production schedule and limited staff, it may take us up to three months to notify you of our acceptance of your submission."

The Susquehanna Review
Susquehanna University's nationally distributed student-run annual literary magazine contains riginal ficiton, creative nonfiction, and poetry by undergraduate writers currently attending an accredited university in the United States.

a literary and art magazine providing college students a venue for publishing their  poetry, prose, fiction and visual artwork. The magazine is distributed and produced by students at Sonoma State University in California.

I Confess: an online course on confessional poetry

Troubled marriages, unstable minds, dysfunctional families—in this workshop we’ll write our secrets, our confessions, studying the works of Sylvia Plath, Anne Sexton, Robert Lowell, Sharon Olds. We will study how to write what is intimate, how to remove the mask. Each week we will look at example poems from the confessional poetry movement and complete writing exercises to implement what we’ve learned.   


Register for this Workshop

Class size: 12
Dates: May 6-31, 2013
Price: $65 

Saturday, March 2, 2013

The Flying Elephants Short Story Prize

from the website:

The Flying Elephants Short-Story Prize is meant to showcase the work of outstanding short-story writers, published or emerging. We are delighted to announce that the Judge of the Flying Elephants Prize is world-renowned author Edwidge Danticat, and that the Prize Fund is sponsored by Gregory Colbert, the artist and nature advocate behind “Ashes and Snow.”    AndWeWereHungry welcomes your entries!
  • Deadline: Tuesday, April 30, 2013, 11:59 p.m. ET.
  • Short-Story Length: No length restrictions, but longer manuscripts (8,000–10,000 words) or shorter manuscripts (less than 2,000 words) will have to be truly exceptional to be shortlisted.
  • Entry Fee: None.
  • Eligibility: Writers must eighteen-years of age or older, and short stories must be original and previously unpublished.
  • Theme or Prompt:  “And we were hungry…,” or “Hunger.” For isn’t it, to quote the late Ray Bradbury, hunger or “lack that gives us inspiration?”
  • Grand Prize Theme: Consideration for the grand prize is reserved for stories that connect the theme with nature or the natural world.
  • Entry Instructions: A writer may submit two (2) short stories. Simultaneous submissions are accepted, and if you need to withdraw a story, you can do so directly via our online submission submissions manager.  Entry of a novel excerpt is permissible, provided it stands alone as a short story.
  • How to Submit: Submissions accepted online only. You can submit your original unpublished short stories here.
  • Prizes: One grand prize winner ($2,000 + publication ), three finalists ($1,000 each + publication) and eight runners-ups (publication only).
  • Judge: Edwidge Danticat
We hope submissions will embody a wild diversity of perspective, voice, and style; and suspect that the most powerful submissions will wear the stated theme lightly while presenting us with something new to discover. We encourage work from writers of all backgrounds.
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